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Table 4 Overview of postoperative outcomes in the PACU (n = 79,616)

From: The effect of COVID-19 pandemic on perioperative factors: data from the Swedish Perioperative Register


Missing, n (%)

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3

p value

PONV, n (%)

6306 (7.9)

2790 (9.4)

1918 (10.7)

2485 (9.7)

 < 0.001a

No PONV, n (%)

26,900 (90.6)

16,006 (89.3)

23,211 (90.3)

Pain NRS, highest, mean (SD)

7452 (9.4)

2.46 (2.97)

2.32 (2.89)

2.38 (2.92)

 < 0.001b

Pain NRS, after 1 h, mean (SD)

13,692 (17.2)

1.87 (2.83)

1.79 (2.74)

1.89 (2.78)


Pain NRS, at discharge, mean (SD)

10,588 (13.3)

1.07 (1.47)

1.04 (1.48)

1.06 (1.47)


  1. Period 1 = pre-pandemic period, March–June 2019; Period 2 = first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden, March–June 2020; period 3 = 1 year into the pandemic, March–June 2021. NRS = numeric rating scale
  2. aChi-square
  3. bOne-way ANOVA