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Table 1 Brief description of existing reporting guidelines used in our scoping review

From: Reporting quality of randomized controlled trials in prehabilitation: a scoping review


The CONSORT statement includes a 25-item checklist. It provides guidance for reporting all randomized controlled trials but focuses on the most common design type — individually randomized, two groups, parallel trials (Schulz et al. 2010)


The purpose of the 12-item TIDieR checklist is to prompt authors to describe interventions in sufficient detail to allow their replication. The checklist contains the minimum recommended items for describing interventions (Hoffmann et al. 2014)


The CERT, a 16-item checklist, is designed to improve the reporting of exercise programs in all evaluative study designs and contains 7 categories: materials, provider, delivery, location, dosage, tailoring, and compliance (Slade et al. 2016)


While the CERT is specific to exercise interventions, therapeutic exercise may need even more detail for clinical implementation or replication. The supplement provides further guidance on reporting therapeutic exercise intervention within the context of the CERT checklist (Page et al. 2017)


The PRESENT, a 34-item checklist, has been adapted from the CONSORT guidelines to specifically address the unique combination of challenges and opportunities facing researchers within the broad fields of sports nutrition and exercise metabolism (Betts et al. 2020)


The CONSORT-SPI checklist extends 9 of the 25 items from CONSORT 2010: background and objectives, trial design, participants, interventions, statistical methods, participant flow, baseline data, outcomes and estimation, and funding. Additionally, an item related to stakeholder involvement and the flow diagram related to participant recruitment and retention were edited (Montgomery et al. 2018)

  1. Consolidated Standards of Reporting of Trials, CONSORT 2010; TIDieR, Template for intervention description and replication 2014; Consensus on Exercise Reporting Template, CERT 2016; Modified-CERT 2017; Proper Reporting of Evidence in Sport and Exercise Nutrition Trials, PRESENT 2020; CONSORT Extension for Psychosocial Interventions, CONSRT-SPI 2018