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Table 1 MEDLINE search strategy

From: Process, structural, and outcome quality indicators to support perioperative opioid stewardship: a rapid review

Quality indicator




Abdominal surgery/bowel cancer surgery

1. Quality indicator [Mesh] OR

2. Quality criterion OR

3. Quality measure* OR

4. Performance indicator OR

5. Performance measure OR

6. Outcome measure OR

7. Outcome indicator OR

8. Audit OR

9. Outcome assessment [Mesh] OR

10. Process assessment [Mesh]


1. Analgesics, Opioid [Mesh] OR

2. Opioid* OR

3. Stewardship [tw] OR

4. Appropriate opioid use [tw] OR

5. Opioid use


1. Colonic neoplasms [Mesh] OR

2. Colorectal neoplasms [Mesh] OR

3. Intestinal neoplasms [Mesh] OR

4. Bowel cancer OR

5. Laparoscopy [Mesh] OR

6. Digestive system surgical procedures [Mesh] OR

7. Colectomy [Mesh] OR

7. Bowel cancer surgery OR

9. Abdominal surgery

  1. *Truncation symbol = different words/terms can be searched for (singular/plural/conjugations)
  2. Limited to English language and adults