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Fig. 2 | Perioperative Medicine

Fig. 2

From: The effect of restrictive vs. liberal fluid protocols on ocular parameters in patients undergoing prone spine surgery: a randomized controlled trial

Fig. 2

(1) IOP changes in the prone position of the low PPV group (liberal fluid infusion group) and the high PPV group (restrictive fluid infusion group). The significant difference over time between groups. (2) ONSD changes in the prone position of the low PPV group (liberal fluid infusion group) and high PPV group (restrictive fluid infusion group). No significant difference over time between groups. IOP intraocular pressure. PPV pulse pressure variation. ONSD optic nerve sheath diameter. **p<0.01 compared to baseline, ***p<0.001 compared to baseline; ^p<0.05 compared to the low PPV group, ^^p<0.01 compared to the low PPV group

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