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Table 3 Survey for clinicians conducting the study using the Likert scale (n = 4)

From: A proposal for virtual, telephone-based preoperative cognitive assessment in older adults undergoing elective surgery

1. Prior to this study, have you conducted cognitive assessments on patients prior to surgery?

 50% yes, 50% no

2. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the official training on the MoCA site (

 50% very satisfied, 50% somewhat satisfied

3. Did you find the training and following exam easy to perform?

 100% easy to perform

4. Other clinicians, including those who do not routinely perform cognitive assessments, will be able to perform this test after completing the official MoCA training

 50% strongly agree, 50% agree

5. Did you find patients were receptive to doing the tests?

 100% yes

6. Did any patients decline doing the test?

 75% no, 25% yes due to anxiety regarding upcoming surgery, had other commitments, busy

7. Did you find the time to perform the test acceptable?

 100% yes

8. Please leave comments with any pros and cons of performing the test in this population

 “Easy to do after training and patients very receptive also patients found questions very understandable”

 “Pros- ease of use and short time it takes Cons- with high level of education it seems less sensitive to subtle changes, limited testing of executive functions”,

 “The population was highly educated, and this test may have been less sensitive to subtle cognitive changes. At the same time, it was a self-selected population who chose to participate in the study, which created an inherent bias. The pros of this test are that it's very short, easy to learn and use and may easily fit in the busy clinician's workflow. It is also very well suited for the phone assessment”,

 “The test was easy to administer, and patients did not find it time consuming either and were usually surprised the test was over as it went by quickly”