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Table 2 Reported Edmonton Frail Scale scores

From: Frailty in the over 65’s undergoing elective surgery (FIT-65) – a three-day study examining the prevalence of frailty in patients presenting for elective surgery

All participants (n = 218)

Reported Edmonton Frail Scale outcome

 Not frail (REFS less than 8)

181 (83.0%)

 Frail (REFS 8 or more)

37 (17.0%)

Frailty category

 Not frail (REFS 0–5)

158 (72.5%)

 Vulnerable (REFS 6–7)

23 (10.6%)

 Mildly frail (REFS 8–9)

28 (12.8%)

 Moderately frail (10–11)

7 (3.2%)

 Severely frail (12–18)

2 (0.9%)

Length of stay (days)


0 (IQR 0–3)

Discharged to own home


207 (95.0%)


7 (3.2%)

 Not known

4 (1.8%)