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Table 3 Patient appreciation of the tele-prehabilitation program

From: Feasibility of a tele-prehabilitation program in high-risk patients with colon or rectal cancer undergoing elective surgery: a feasibility study


Strongly disagree


Strongly agree






1. The aim of the intervention in preparation of the surgical treatment was clear to me.





11 (100%)

2. The perceived exertion during the cardiopulmonary exercise test was high.

1 (9%)


4 (36%)

3 (27%)

3 (27%)

3. In my opinion, the cardiopulmonary exercise test was useful.



1 (9%)


10 (91%)

4. The perceived exertion during the home-based exercises was high.

1 (9%)

1 (9%)

2 (18%)

4 (36%)

3 (27%)

5. In my opinion the home-based exercises were useful.




1 (9%)

10 (91%)

6. I was motivated to perform the home-based exercises.




1 (9%)

10 (91%)

7. I experienced the home-based exercises as pleasant.


1 (9%)

1 (9%)

3 (27%)

6 (54%)

8. The home-based exercises were time-consuming.

7 (64%)

2 (18%)

1 (9%)

1 (9%)


9. The weekly evaluations by telephone were beneficial to me.




1 (9%)

10 (91%)

10. I experienced it be pleasant to be able to perform the exercises independently at home.




1 (9%)

10 (91%)

11. I think the tele-prehabilitation program prepared me well for the surgical treatment.




2 (18%)

9 (82%)

  1. Data are presented as the number of patients (%)