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Table 5 Diagnostic performance of base excess and apparent strong ion difference for prediction of adverse events

From: The hidden secrets of a neutral pH—blood gas analysis of postoperative patients according to the Stewart approach


Acute kidney injury

Unplanned ICU admission


BE, AUC (95% CI)

0.696 (0.597–0.795)

0.647 (0.560–0.733)

0.681 (0.553–0.809

SIDa, AUC (95% CI)

0.646 (0.538–0.753)

0.632 (0.541–0.722)

0.686 (0.656–0.807)

  1. BE base excess, SIDa apparent strong ion difference, AUC area under the curve of receiver operating characteristics curve, ICU intensive care care unit