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Table 2 Perioperative data (n = 699)

From: Can a deep learning model based on intraoperative time-series monitoring data predict post-hysterectomy quality of recovery?

Preoperative data

 Mean age ± SD, year

50 ± 7

 Mean body mass index ± SD, kg/m2

25 ± 3

 ASA physical status, no. (%)


229 (32.8)


470 (67.2)

 Coexisting medical condition, no. (%)

  Psychiatric disease

3 (0.4)

  Neurological disease

15 (2.1)


142 (20.3)

  Cardiovascular disease

26 (3.7)

  Pulmonary disease

8 (1.1)

  Endocrinological disease

69 (9.9)

  Renal insufficiency

2 (0.3)

  Digestive disease

22 (3.1)

 History of anesthesia, no. (%)


286 (40.9)

  General anesthesia

197 (28.2)

  Spinal anesthesia

182 (26.0)

  Nerve block

2 (0.3)

  Local anesthesia

57 (8.2)

 History of PONV, no. (%)

  Never had surgery

279 (39.9)

  Surgery without PONV

377 (53.9)

  Surgery with PONV

43 (6.2)

 History of motion sickness, no. (%)

154 (22.0)

 Mean hemoglobin ± SD, g/l

123 ± 18

 Mean hematocrit ± SD, %

37 ± 5

 Mean creatinine ± SD, μmol/l

59 ± 13

Intraoperative intervention data, mean ± SD

 Duration of anesthesia, min

175 ± 74

 Propofol, mg

958 ± 437

 Remifentanil, mg

1.2 ± 0.7

 Sufentanil, mcg

32 ± 15

 Crystalloid, ml

1512 ± 575

 Estimated blood loss, ml

69 ± 93

 Urine output, ml

369 ± 261

Intraoperative monitoring data, mean ± SDa

 Mean respiratory rate, breath per min

14 ± 2

 Mean end-tidal carbon dioxide, mmHg

34 ± 4

 Mean heart rate, beat per min

66 ± 9

 Mean systolic blood pressure, mmHg

117 ± 12

 Mean diastolic blood pressure, mmHg

73 ± 8

 Mean MAP, mmHg

86 ± 9

 Mean pulse oxygen saturation, %

100 ± 1

 Mean body temperature, °C

36 ± 1

 Mean muscular tissue oxygen saturation, %

83 ± 7

Postoperative QoR

 QoR-15 score, mean ± SD

121 ± 19

 QoR-15 score, median [IQR]

122 [109-135]

 Number of patients with a QoR-15 ≥122, no. (%)

354 (50.6)

  1. SD standard deviation, ASA American Society of Anesthesiologists, PONV postoperative nausea and vomiting, MAP mean arterial pressure, QoR quality of recovery, IQR interquartile range
  2. aFor time-series data, we first removed those outliers defined as the data outside of the 0.5th–99.5th percentile. The mean of all data within the 0.5th–99.5th percentile was first derived for each patient. These means were then averaged to derive the mean for all patients