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Table 1 Patient characteristics

From: Can routine perioperative haemodynamic parameters predict postoperative morbidity after major surgery?

Age (year)

70.1 (7.0)

Gender (M, F)

16, 34

Surgery type:


30 (60)


12 (24)


8 (16)

Length of stay in PACU (min)

135 (45)

Length of stay in hospital (days)

7.2 (3–10)

Length of stay in ICU (days)

1.1 (0–2)

ASA Grade


15 (30)

 III or IV

35 (70)


27.9 (5.5)

Frailty scale

2 (2–3)

Metabolic equivalents (MET)

4 (2–6)


8 (16)


35 (70)

Congestive cardiac failure

3 (6)

Coronary artery disease

11 (22)

Previous MI

2 (4)

Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)

5 (10)

Peripheral vascular disease

10 (20)

Surgery for cancer this admission

35 (70)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

14 (28)

Preoperative creatinine (μmol L-1)

82 (21)

Postoperative creatinine (μmol L-1)

84 (32)


14.4 (12.7–16.0)

Duration of surgery (min)

180 (103)

Anaesthetic technique:

 GA alone

24 (48)

 Regional alone

8 (16)


18 (36)

  1. All data are shown as mean (SD), median (25%—75% range) or N (%)