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Table 2 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study patients

From: Postoperative urinary retention: risk factors, bladder filling rate and time to catheterization: an observational study as part of a randomized controlled trial

MBC group

N = 936

Patient data

 Women, no. (%)

493 (53)

 Age, mean (SD), y

47.9 (15)

 Height, mean (SD), cm

176 (10)

 Weight, mean (SD), kg

81.4 (17)

 BMI, mean (SD), kg/m2

26.3 (5)

Type of surgery, no. (%)


209 (22)


77 (8)


33 (4)


273 (29)


344 (37)

Study data

 MBC, mean (SD), ml

611 (209)

 Residual volume, mean (SD), mL

33 (53)

 Voided before surgery, no. (%)

877 (94)

 Time before surgery, mean (SD), min

59 (48)

 Volume at holding, mean (SD), mL

52 (81)

 General anesthesia, no. (%)

639 (68)

 Spinal anesthesia, no. (%)

297 (32)

 Articaine, no. (%)

235 (79)

 Bupivacaine, no. (%)

62 (21)

 Total volume infused, mean (SD), mL

1,492 (647)

 Procedure time, mean (SD), min

61 (40)

  1. BMI body mass index, MBC maximum bladder capacity, SD standard deviation