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Table 1 The views of respondents regarding the key components of perioperative care.

From: The emerging specialty of perioperative medicine: a UK survey of the attitudes and behaviours of anaesthetists

More commonly considered a key component of perioperative care (> 50% responded)

Less commonly considered a key component of perioperative care (< 50% responded)

Preoperative assessment (96%)

Rehabilitation goal setting/discharge planning (48%)

Identification of comorbidity (93%)

Longer term post-discharge follow-up of medical complications (37%)

Medication optimisation (93%)

Taking consent for surgery (33%)

Anaesthetic planning (93%)

Following up surgical complications (24%)

Risk quantification (92%)


Anaesthetising the patient (88%)


Identification of geriatric syndromes (81%)


Consent for anaesthesia (79%)


Managing postoperative medical complications (79%)


Assessment of capacity to consent to procedure (66%)


Postoperative pharmacological review (57%)