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Table 5 Definitions of post-operative complications

From: A randomised trial of non-invasive cardiac output monitoring to guide haemodynamic optimisation in high risk patients undergoing urgent surgical repair of proximal femoral fractures (ClearNOF trial NCT02382185)




Acute atrial fibrillation and/or troponin-I (> 50 ng∙l−1) and/or angina and/or ECG-detected ischaemia and/or heart failure (X-ray or clinical symptoms requiring changes in the post-operative therapy) and/or CT verified pulmonary embolisation


Need of oxygen > 4 L/min (to maintain SpO2> 92%) and CRP > 100 and/or pneumonia diagnosed by X-ray and treated by antibiotics


Focal symptoms and CT scan-verified acute pathology of a stroke or a history and examination consistent with a transient ischaemic attack

Acute kidney failure

30% increase of baseline creatinine or/and < 0.5 ml/h diuresis

Gastrointestinal bleeding

Verified by loss of haemoglobin (Hb < 100 g/l) and blood in the faeces


AMTS or answering the question “Do you think the patient had been more confused lately?”


Body temperature < 36° or > 38° and heart rate > 90/min and respiratory rate > 20/min or pCO2< 4.3 kPa and leukocytes < 4000 cells/mm3 or > 12 000 cells/mm3

Deep-vein thrombosis

When suspected and detected by Doppler ultrasonography

Wound infection

Deep and/or superficial with purulent exudate and treated by antibiotics

Delayed healing

Superficial or deep wound breakdown needing surgical intervention

Urinary tract infection

Positive urine culture and/or new clinical symptoms and CRP > 100


Broken skin, but intact subcutaneous tissue or sore involving deep soft subcutaneous tissue without muscle or tissue loss, including soft tissues

Wound haematoma

Needing surgical drainage


Requirement in the last 24 h of blood products