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Table 3 Comparison of actual and model-based estimates of postoperative hospital length of stay in older patients

From: Self-reported mobility as a preoperative risk assessment tool in older surgical patients compared to the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program


Predicted LOS (mean ± SD)

Difference from actual LOS (95% CI)

p value*

Mobility Assessment Tool-short form only

3.55 ± 0.76

− 0.04 (− 0.61–0.54)


Covariates only†

3.59 ± 1.54

− 0.00 (− 0.41–0.42)


Mobility Assessment Tool-short form + covariates†

3.55 ± 1.59

− 0.03(− 0.59–0.53)


NSQIP surgical risk score

3.36 ± 2.40

− 0.22(− 0.78–0.33)


Actual LOS

3.58 ± 4.15

  1. LOS length of stay, NSQIP® National Surgical Quality Improvement Program, SD standard deviation
  2. *Comparing estimated length of stay from each model and NSQIP surgical risk score to actual length of stay
  3. †Covariates include age, gender, body mass index, ASA status, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and surgical risk