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Table 2 Association between sarcopenia or sarcopenic obesity (SO) and oncological surgery outcomes

From: Sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity: do they predict inferior oncologic outcomes after gastrointestinal cancer surgery?


Cancer type

Association with short-term oncological outcomes?

Association with long-term oncological outcomes?






Prado (Prado et al. 2008)

Respiratory or GI tract


Unclear, but associated with poorer functional status than in non-sarcopenic obese

Yes, independently predicted median survival

Yes, independently predicted survival

Lieffers (Lieffers et al. 2012)

Colorectal (stages II–IV)

Yes, independently predicted post-operative infection risk, longer inpatient rehabilitation, associated with higher risk of obstruction, longer index hospitalization length of stay, longer mean length of stay overall




Sabel (Sabel et al. 2013)


Yes, independently predicted surgical complications and infectious complications, associated with infectious post-operative complications

Unclear, but SFD is the best predictor of post-operative wound infections, and associated with infectious complications

No, not an independent predictor of disease-free or overall survival

Unclear, but TBF independently predicted disease-free survival

Miyamoto (Miyamoto et al. 2015)

Colorectal (stages I–III)



Yes, independently associated with disease recurrence rate, overall mortality, cancer-specific mortality, recurrence-free survival, overall survival, cancer-specific survival


van Vledder (van Vledder et al. 2012)

Colorectal liver metastases



Yes, independently predicted disease-free survival and overall survival


Dello (Dello et al. 2013)

Colorectal liver metastases

Yes, independently predicted disproportionally small total functional liver volume

Unclear, but fat-free body mass and body surface area independently predicted disproportionally small total function liver volume



Peng (Peng et al. 2011)

Colorectal liver metastases

Yes, independently predicted major post-operative complications, associated with risk of post-operative complications, overall morbidity risk, longer hospital stays, extended ICU stays

Yes, associated with major post-operative complications, longer hospital stays, extended ICU stays

No, not associated with recurrence-free survival, overall survival or risk of recurrence

No, not associated with overall survival or recurrence-free survival

Lodewick (Lodewick et al. 2015)

Colorectal liver metastases

No, not significantly associated with risk of major post-operative complications, presence of liver surgery-specific composite endpointa (LSSCEP) items

No, not significantly associated with risk of major post-operative complications, occurrence of one or more of the LSSCEP items

No, not significantly associated with initial hospital length of stay, readmission rates, median disease-free survival, or overall survival

Yes, not predictive of initial hospital length of stay, disease-free survival, or overall survival, but significantly associated with readmission rates

Harimoto (Harimoto et al. 2013)


Yes, independent predictor of liver dysfunction


Yes, independent predictor of overall and recurrence-free survival


Voron (Voron et al. 2015)


No, not associated with severe post-operative complication rate, post-operative mortality or morbidity rates


Yes, independently associated with overall and disease-free survival


Levolger (Levolger et al. 2015)


Yes, associated with major post-operative complication (Clavien-Dindo grade ≥IIIa) and treatment-related mortality (within 90 days post-treatment)


Yes, associated with overall survival, but not associated with disease-free survival

Yes, associated with shorter median survival

Peng (Peng et al. 2012)


No, not associated with overall morbidity, major post-operative complications, length of hospital stays, length of ICU stays, or hazard of 90-day death


Yes, independent predictor of 3-year mortality


Amini (Amini et al. 2015)


Yes, TPA-sarcopenia not associated with morbidity, but TPV-sarcopenia associated with post-operative complications, major complications, and length of hospital stay. TPV-sarcopenia also independently associated with post-operative complications

Yes, TPV-SO associated with post-operative complications

Yes, TPV-sarcopenia associated with risk of death, and independently associated with risk of death


Joglekar (Joglekar et al. 2015)


Yes, HUAC independently predicted length of stay, ICU stay, major grade III post-operative complications, incidence of any complications. TPA independently predicted length of stay


No, HUAC did not predict post-operative overall survival


  1. aThe liver surgery-specific composite endpoint (LSSCEP) is composed of ascites, post-resectional liver failure, bile leakage, intra-abdominal hemorrhage, intra-abdominal abscess, and mortality and was used to assess liver surgery-specific morbidity